Could do better.....
I've started this blog on on a whim after reading about Iron Wil's fantastic Ironman, which was a DNF, but a feat of accomplishment that I could only dream about. I am not an Ironman. I'm not even a sprinter, runner, biker or even a jogger, but I so will be.Putting it down in writing- Next year I will run at least 2 10k races, possibly a half marathon and do the London sprint triathlon. Hell! I need to
Just so I have a starting point I want to reflect what I've achieved and can do when I put my mind to it. April 2006 I was stressed out of my brain as a Sales Manager to the degree that I gave my job up without having another to go to, could barely walk the 3 miles into town and was on all kinds of asthma medication- and weighed 184lbs
This year I'm down to 167, have a job I love 15 minutes from my house and 3 inutes from the gymn (that I don't even pay membership for!) and have made exercise part of my life pretty much daily by going to the gymn for cv, weights, swimming, yoga, body combat. Oh and walked a marathon round London at night in my bra. At the moment the food isn't quite there, the weekends are far too much fun but not balanced enough and I'm loving the exercise but it's not structured enough either.
Plan! Plan!Plan!
- Return sports bra so that I can have the zip mended and finally run again.
- Couch to 5 k program
- Swimming lessons- so I no longer swim 'like a lady'
- Get the bike sorted and get out on the road.
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