Sunday, December 10, 2006

Not really a tri post

Funny.. I have spent barely any time at the gymn due to the dreadful weather, my dreadful workload and the amount of study I've had to do. However, I'm feeling good about life in general.

Back in November when I was putting myself under pressure with the lack of time, and the general lack of motivationI had, I read a post somewhere about the off season. Now I cannot strictly have an off season as I am not exactly an athlete, but when I realised that had been training towards goals since January, I decided to lighten up on myself. So I've had an off season and have been eating and drinking nice food, reading food blogs instead of Ironman and ultra running ones, socialising and lying in bed on cold dark mornings.

However, my off season ends on January 3rd (I come back from Berlin on January 2nd) and then theses extra 3 pounds will be off and I will be ready to go....!


At 7:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I had the same experience and, let me tell you, the moment I just *let go* and relax I started feeling wonderful. I can't go, go, go all the time. I totally burn out. I guess one of the battles is learning and *being okay with* one's own limitations.

My limits and I are on speaking terms now and I'm loving the freedom.

January 1 (for me) looms, but I'll be ready for it!

Enjoy your off season!!

At 7:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I had the same experience and, let me tell you, the moment I just *let go* and relax I started feeling wonderful. I can't go, go, go all the time. I totally burn out. I guess one of the battles is learning and *being okay with* one's own limitations.

My limits and I are on speaking terms now and I'm loving the freedom.

January 1 (for me) looms, but I'll be ready for it!

Enjoy your off season!!

At 7:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I had the same experience and, let me tell you, the moment I just *let go* and relax I started feeling wonderful. I can't go, go, go all the time. I totally burn out. I guess one of the battles is learning and *being okay with* one's own limitations.

My limits and I are on speaking terms now and I'm loving the freedom.

January 1 (for me) looms, but I'll be ready for it!

Enjoy your off season!!

At 7:13 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I had the same experience and, let me tell you, the moment I just *let go* and relax I started feeling wonderful. I can't go, go, go all the time. I totally burn out. I guess one of the battles is learning and *being okay with* one's own limitations.

My limits and I are on speaking terms now and I'm loving the freedom.

January 1 (for me) looms, but I'll be ready for it!

Enjoy your off season!!


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