Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Who gets 100% for attendance...

I didn't expect to go to the gymn yesterday and be taken to one side...

Apparently they run a little monthly competition and offer prizes for the highest attendance. And at number 1..... ME! With 33 visits. Now I am under no illusion that this actually means anything- it's since I've split my training into lunch and after work, but it was nice. I texted the lovely BF to explain I had 100% for effort and now just needed to work on the results, and he responded that he thought the results were stunning. Not blowing my own trumpet but I want to record that so I can read back when I can't get my backside off the couch, and use it as motivation (you only get out what you put in...)

45 mins fast on cross trainer yesterday and a short run afterwards, lower body weights at lunch today, body combat and a very short cross train and I'VE BOOKED MY SWIMMING LESSON. 7pm next Tuesday I shall be in the baby pool learning how to crawl. I think it's approximately 28 years since I learnt to swim, and had my last lesson but the teacher seems lovely. Can't wait.

On a less effusive note, I am back up to 166. You could say that it was water weight but I think it is more likely to be the results of the weekend's booze. Ridiculous! So now I need to get tow pounds off to get to my 20lb milestone. It would be so nice to have dropped 3 or 4 pounds by Barcelona (4 weeks) which is achievable but I need to focus more.


At 3:17 pm, Blogger Joy | Love | Chaos said...


If we *must* talk numbers, I'm thinking that the 33 is more impressive than the 166!

At 7:12 pm, Blogger ClareUK said...

Yep... 166 stinks!

However this morning was 164.5, and I'm only ever going to see 166 goingdown past it!

Numbers! Hate em butcan't live without them.

At 12:06 am, Blogger Trisaratops said...

I hate numbers. :) But you should definitely revel in your 100%! That's an A+! (the teacher in me)

At 3:08 am, Blogger Joy | Love | Chaos said...

I'm thinking IGNORE the 166 and focus on all your efforts!

At 6:35 pm, Blogger Jeremy said...

Thanks so much for your comment on my recent post, which also allowed my to find your blog! Keep up the good work.


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