Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bad Bad Blogger

The half carat solitaire would be why my blogging has been baaad and to be fair my plans to compete in triathlons this year have been shelved. I can't justify sepnding money on equipment when there is a wedding to save for!

However, the thought of floating down the aisle in a very dignified manner in a beautiful slightly off white dress (yeh right) in November has got me going to the gymn on a very regular basis, and it wouldn't suprise me if I ended up as fit at the end of it as I'd planned.

I'm still going to continue to blog about exercise and life in general (not weddings though- I've promised myself not to become a bridezilla) as it's good for keeping myself accountable.

I can confirm that between Barcelona and Berlin with Christmas in between I gained 6 pesky ponds of which 4 are goneand 4 are soon to be gone. Slow and steady is the way this year- balanced food and exercise.

I'm still trying.... just not tri- ing!


At 5:59 pm, Blogger Trisaratops said...


A beautiful ring! Very happy to hear the news!

At 5:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's so must be THRILLED!! It's going to be such an exciting year and so many fun things are in store. Enjoy every single second of it!


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